Code adoption of concrete anchorage per ACI-318, Appendix D has caused the foundation size for Narrow Shear Wall Panels to increase significantly from previous requirements. The increase is especially notable for structures in Seismic Design Category C and greater.
All Narrow Shear Wall Panel manufacturers have published ESR Reports with the assumption of “unreinforced” concrete anchorage. This does not mean literally that there is no reinforcement, but rather that applied tension and shear forces are resisted by the concrete material without consideration of steel reinforcement. .
At Hardy Frames we recognize the resulting foundation dimensions are challenging, problematic and costly. Combining our efforts with those of customers and professionals in the industry, Hardy Frames is proud to present our “reinforced anchorage” solution. The reinforced anchorage solution uses vertical stirrups in the grade beam and horizontal shear ties in curbs and stem walls to resolve concerns of concrete failure at hold down anchors. Please call Hardy Frames 800-754-3030 for more information. When you specify Hardy Frame HFX-Series Panels there is more than one solution to concrete anchorage.
NOTE: The Hardy Frame Reinforced Anchorage solution addresses tension and shear loads required for anchorage. The qualified Building Designer is responsible for Foundation Design.