The revised Hardy Frame® Moment Frame (HFMF) Typical Installation Detail Sheets (10-10-10 date) have been revised and our available on our website. Changes to these files include:
Minor revisions to the Ordering and Installation section Revised the Single Story elevation view that conveys critical inside and outside dimensions Added a Two Story elevation view to convey critical inside and outside dimension Revised the “Dimension Key” drawing
Revised all details Added a “Net Width Dimensions” table
- Use this table to determine the net outside width that corresponds to the nominal inside opening widthAdded a Data and Connector table with two lines for Hardy Frame® Panels
- The purpose of this table is to point out the possibility, and provide a method, for specifying Hardy Frame® Panels above theHardy Frame® Moment Frame. Although the table as shown only has two line items, the engineer or designer can change these to the job specific model number as needed.
Converted the previous version of this sheet to be an “Alternate Details” sheet
- The purpose of this sheet is to provide details that occur less frequently, in a separate area, to allow the user to remove details from sheet 2 and replace them with details from sheet 3.
- Example: Currently HFMF2 includes “Pinned Base” connections to the concrete. For “Fixed Base” connections, the user can replace the pinned base details on HFMF2 with the fixed base details provided on sheet HFMF3 without adding another supplemental page to their plan submittal.
- Added for HFX-Series Panels:
- Detail showing base of Panel on a wood floor system with HD anchors noted to connect to MF below.
- Top connection of Panel with 2x filler (standard when installing Panel on a Bearing Plate to make up the height difference).
- Panel Data and Connector Table that provides info on all (Panel) model numbers that are included in our Upper Floor ESR Tables